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Décideurs Immobilier belongs to Groupe Ficade - Leaders League ("Décideurs magazine") which has three main activities:

  • The rating agency
  • The publications of a monthly magazine and several market intelligence reports
  • The organisation of prestigious events
Décideurs Immobilier is one of the group's divisions, specialized in Real Estate. We aim to connect main actors and advisors of the Real Estate market.
More specifically, we offer our community:
  • A paper and digital collection composed of market intelligence reports. Each one presenting market studies, interviews, top company rankings and directories
  • The organisation of events aimed at promoting the exchange among peers and/or rewarding the best initiatives

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November 6th, 2024

The place to be for developers, planners, investors, elected officials, users, infrastructure funds & other stakeholder in business real estate.



June 6th, 2024

 The event dedicated to the challenges of sustainable development, which brings together business leaders and policy makers with the power, impact, and commitment to transform organizations, business models, production tools and ultimately society.



December, 2025

The event dedicated to the engineering value chain, and aimed at uniting and encouraging engineering companies and their ecosystem in the development of their international activities. It is organized in partnership with Syntec-Ingénierie.